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Version 2.5


vRent v-2.5 May 16, 2019

Bug Fixing: Fixed problem on calendar date blocked for next month.
Bug Fixing: Calendar dates stay blocked (Decline Request) when the checkbox is selected.
Bug Fixing: Guest public review will show on the Host listing page & Host profile.
Bug Fixing: Private reviews are always shown in the guest 'Review about' section.
Bug Fixing: Fixed search property issue from the transaction history page.
Bug Fixing: Fixed Security issues from the front end.
Bug Fixing: Responsive issues in the admin area & front-end property listing.
Bug Fixing: Fixed Role permission problem.
Bug Fixing: Error fixed for admin password validation.
Bug Fixing: Language missing in front-end form validation.
Improvement: Review rating will show with property name into user profile.
Improvement: Show verified logo while all verification will be done.
Improvement: While all verification will be done, complete button won't be visible.
Improvement: Users get an email for payouts.
Improvement: Made logo responsive.
Improvement: Fixed PDF logo problem.
Improvement: Added logo/favicon delete option.
Improvement: Implemented jQuery validation into Signup, sign-in, user profile pages.
Improvement: Each customer's total bookings, properties, payouts, payment methods will show individually.
Improvement: Fixed sorting problem in the admin area.
Improvement: Enhanced the Review functionality in the admin area.
Improvement: Admin payouts to hosts now appear in a new "Payouts" column
Improvement: If Declined and cancelled bookings payout is done, then show Refund below the status.
Improvement: Added language support for: Payout method, Accept/Decline, Reset password, Select payout.
Improvement: Amenities & Booking field will be required.
Improvement: In the single property page, display price (in info icon) for a particular date.
Improvement: Added preferences into Settings option.
Improvement: After filtering, below each property, booking type (Instant/Request) will be shown.
Improvement: Payouts will be done in the base currency.
Improvement: Booking details always shown in base currency.
New Features: iCalendar Integration.
New Features: CSV/PDF downloads option into admin area.
New Features: Added property share option into social media below each property.
New Features: Added payouts list into admin area.
New Features: Added Email Templates.
New Features: Added filter option (Frontend) Transaction history
New Features: Added filter option (Frontend) By Booking type- Instant & Request booking
New Features: Added filter option (Admin) Customers
New Features: Added filter option (Admin) Bookings
New Features: Added filter option (Admin) Properties
New Features: Added filter option (Admin) Payouts
New Features: Added filter option (Admin) Manage Reviews
New Features: Reports Overview & states
New Features: Reports Sales Reports
New Features: Reports Sales Analysis