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Version 1.7


vRent v-1.7 April 21, 2018

Bug Fixing: Language changes & frontpage design.
Bug Fixing: Forgot Password does not work.
Bug Fixing: Dashboard-total user & today's user aren't showing properly.
Bug Fixing: Booking in ascending/descending order.
Bug Fixing: Each user's Transaction history's date & amount showing undefined.
Bug Fixing: The email address is blank on the reservation confirmation page (View Itinerary).
Bug Fixing: Messages page shows "null"when there are no messages, also in transaction history.
Improvement: Dynamic currency added.
Improvement: Property image re-ordering.
Improvement: Added inbox menu at the user site.
Improvement: When booking any propery its not coming in guest trips list.
New feature: Host Verification.
New feature: Review.
New feature: Calendar added on admin area during property listing.
New feature: Property Available/Not Available in calendar.